Nexis for Media and Journalism Professionals is a comprehensive fact-check tool you can rely on for better story accuracy that enables efficient research across the largest set of aggregated sources available.
You can also gain access to our in-depth public records database to look up relevant public records, find contact details and fact-check information for your stories and reports.
Nexis for Media allows you to:
- Research and Fact check: Access the largest collection of news, legal, company, industry and market intelligence sources.
- View Historical News Archives: Nexis provides quick and easy access to news archives that go back 45+ years, giving you unprecedented context and background on people and events.
- Uncover Insights & Analytics: Uncover connections between people, events, companies and locations—and export your search findings into a visual analytics dashboard to share with your collaborators
Need access to an In-Depth Public Records Database? You can use Nexis to look up relevant public records, find contact details and fact-check information for your stories and reports. Currently not available in this trial but let one of our representatives know and they can assist you.