Nexis Newsdesk

Adaptive risk management in the wake of a pandemic

Although the global economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic has yet to be fully identified, industries face a number of challenges related to COVID-19. Scarce resources, supply chains disruption and unprecedented unemployment due to physical distancing measures expose organizations worldwide to unique risk challenges.

Our interactive charts provide insights into the evolving Political, Economic, Societal, Technological, Legal, and Environmental risks in near real time. Charts update as new data is added. Click on a chart data point to see the articles behind the analysis. Click on the symbol for an explanation of each chart. For more explanation on PESTLE risk categories click here.

Which PESTLE risk factors are being talked about the most?

The novel coronavirus presents a huge variety of challenges for both the private and public sectors. Our graph identifies which risk categories have been at the center of attention in the past 60 days.

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Where are we witnessing the biggest risk impacts?

Where is media coverage of COVID-19 related risks highest around the world? See which regions are being talked about the most. Chart updates as new data is added, click on any region to drill down to the articles behind the analysis.

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What risk issues are people talking about?

This news feed surfaces articles from around the world related to PESTLE risk and COVID-19. It refreshes every 15 minutes.

Which societal risks are dominating in the media?

COVID-19 has brought societal risk to the forefront of media coverage. See what’s trending in near real time.

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Which economic risks are trending at the moment?

Analysis singles out the most talked about economic risk issues from across various industries.

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COVID-19 Cases, Coverage, and S&P 500 over time

The impact of COVID-19 on the global financial markets has been staggering. See how the media coverage of global confirmed cases of COVID-19 from Johns Hopkins University compares to S&P 500 index data, and global media coverage.

Which companies are at the center of attention?

Whether they're facing disruption or turning their production lines to address medical supply shortages, companies are receiving plenty of media attention. The word cloud shows which entities are dominating conversations.

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What are the main technological risks in both private and public sectors?

Our data identifies the most common technical risk issues in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis.

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Media coverage of technological advances

From repurposing supply chains to facilitate the production and distribution of medical masks, protective suits or respirators, to enabling the use of online platforms for community networks,business and governments around the globe are playing a vital part in the fight against the Coronavirus. Our graph tracks some of the postive technological developments in the past 30 days.

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COVID-19 technological advances news feed

Stay current on the top news stories about technological developments and COVID-19. This feed includes more in-depth and wide-reaching articles from online news sources around the world, and refreshes approximately every 15 minutes.

Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about our charts or embedding our charts, please contact us.
Visit our other media tracker - COVID-19 and the Global Media Landscape - to find out what media monitoring tells us about the coronavirus.

*Media Coverage Over Time, Share of Voice, Trends Word Cloud, Top Stories, Media Source Locations, and Coverage by Locations Mentioned analyze media coverage for the past 30, 60 or 90 days, from articles found on open web sources including websites, news sites and blogs, as well as certain print, broadcast, and social sources. Feeds are refreshed approximately every 15 minutes.